GLA Membership-TSL Australia in Australia.详情>>
Dear Friends, good day We have the honor to announce that TSL Australia joins GLA family as GLA Australia membership. If you need any service from/to Australia, you can feel free ...
时间: 2018-11-08 | 编辑: Amy
时间: 2018-11-07 | 编辑: haik
GLA Membership-MARVEL FREIGHT LIMIT in Bangladesh.详情>>
Dear friends, good day We have the honor to announce that MARVEL FREIGHT LIMIT joins GLA family as GLA Bangladesh membership. If you need any service from/to Banglade...
时间: 2018-11-06 | 编辑: Amy
GLA Membership-ASL Worldwide in Pakistan.详情>>
Dear Friends , good day We have the honor to announce that ASL Worldwide Freight & Logistics joins GLA family as GLA Pakistan membership. If you need any service from/to Pak...
时间: 2018-10-31 | 编辑: Amy
GLA Membership Membership-ProConnect Supply Chan Logistics in Saudi Arabia 详情>>
Dear Friends, good day We have the honor to announce that ProConnect Supply Chan Logistics join GLA family as Saudi Arabia membership. If you need any service from/to Saudi Arabia...
时间: 2018-10-23 | 编辑: Amy
2018第六届GLA全球物流企业峰会在深圳召开—全球信用 ∙ 协同共享详情>>
2018年10月11日至13日, 由GLA 全球物流联盟网主办的第六届GLA全球物流企业峰会在深圳马哥孛罗好日子酒店隆重召开。来自全球63个国家的物流企业家、行业精英、物流商协会、海外园区,专家,学者及政府等代表出...
时间: 2018-10-22 | 编辑: haik
GLA membership - Panasia Shipping Agency in Bangladesh详情>>
Dear Friends , good day.We have the honor to announce that Panasia Shipping Agency joins GLA family as Bangladesh membership. If you need any service from/to Bangladesh, you can feel free ...
时间: 2018-10-22 | 编辑: Amy
Welcome GLA new membership -Peeters Global Logistics B.V. in Netherlands详情>>
Dear Friends, good day We have the honor to announce that Peeters Global Logistics B.V. join GLA family as Netherlands membership. If you need service from/to Netherlands...
时间: 2018-10-22 | 编辑: Amy
时间: 2018-10-17 | 编辑: haik